Mexico Joins TITF !
Today is a great day for the TITF as Mexico joins the fight against corruption in Taekwon-Do. That is correct Mexico has officially joined the TITF. We are very pleased.
Grand Master Haase has personally known the head master, Rogelio Cuaya Fabián for many years. It was a tremendously difficult decision for him to make. In Mexico this business is hard enough. The struggle of paying ridiculous fees to other organizations have destroyed many schools. Now he can rest knowing his students will be serviced that way they should be without the crazy fees. We are not here to rip people off, just offer quality certification and instruction the way General Choi intended.
Master Rogelio Cuaya Fabián is ranked as a 7th Degree Black Belt, personally graded by Grand Master Dafyd Haase

. He is a certified International Master Instructor and may grade students to the rank of 5th Degree Black Belt. His CNO, Traditional Taekwon-Do Association of Mexico is now CNO #31.
We are growing rapidly worldwide. People are seeing they can teach, and actually keep the money they make to help their school and art grow. They do not have to donate a large portion to the federation. As our mandate states we are saving the world one life at a time. Please help me to welcome Master Rogelio Cuaya Fabián to the family. Taekwon!