Uniforms for Africa
The TITF International Headquarters is calling on all martial artists to look through your closet for old martial arts uniforms. They do not have to be Taekwon-Do uniforms, just white ones. There is a real need for uniforms in Africa for the poor students to wear and use.

Your donation can go a long way to changing a life forever. Our goal to is to change the world one life at a time. Our organization is not money driven, but driven by the original teachings of General Choi Hong Hi. Just think your old uniform could end up being a prized possession to someone in Africa. Let your spirit live on through others.
Please contact Geofrey Mwambatata for details on where to send these uniforms. Any TITF member that donates will receive a special gift directly from Grand Master Dafyd Haase, the federation President. Grand Master Haase is very passionate about helping Africa. To date Grand Master Haase has donated over $5,000 of his personal income to assist Africa.